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Open the door.


I was late for a Board meeting mid-January so was the last person to do the ice breaker. I had heard a couple people respond, but hadn't fully understood the question they were answering until it was posed to me, roughly: It's the new year. You open a door into this year. What would you like to find on the other side?

"Whatever is there."

We may wish to find hope, or love, the end of some suffering, or a sunny beach. We may even wish to find the challenge of a new job or some other adventure. But the truth is, whatever is behind that door is what we get. So, I want to be ready to set my intention and commit action accordingly- according to what I find on the other side.

I may be surprised when I open the door. I may be disappointed. I may be elated. Who knows? But I want to be able to walk through the door with grace, with presence, with integrity.

Open the door. What do you find? Will you slam the door shut and walk away, or will you step through?

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