Being Mortal: What is a good life, and a good death?
Our first reading recommendation for The Doula Files Bookshelf is Being Mortal by Atul Gawande. In this engaging book, Gawande, a medical...
Being Mortal: What is a good life, and a good death?
It's about time.
It's Elemental, Part 4: The Transformative Power of Fire
It's Elemental, Part 3: The Transformative Power of Earth
It's Elemental, Part 2: The Transformative Power of Air
It's Elemental, Part 1: The Transformative Power of Water
Auld Lang Syne
Comfort and Joy
Who Cares?
Energy and Power
Time for Change
In Your Dreams, Patiently
It Takes a Murder
On Permission
Peace Project Site 1: Healing on Conflict Sites in the Settling of the American West
What Is Good about Friday?
"April is the hardest month."